Safeguarding Policy – Learners and Visitors (CAVC Group)
Within this policy, the term” Group”, refers to all providers within the . This policy is underpinned by the Group’s vision – Inspirational, Inclusive and Influential and will support our work towards the key drivers of Quality, Efficiency and Growth. The policy will incorporate the following principles:
- Those who access Cardiff and Vale College Group must be free from discrimination.
- Learners will be supported to enable them to achieve their potential whilst in learning, in an environment which removes or minimises disadvantage, takes steps to meet their needs and encourages participation.
- We will support learners to develop the skills they need to progress successfully through their lives.
The Group is committed to ensuring the safety and welfare of all learners. We recognise that safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our learners is everyone’s responsibility and we are always committed to acting in the best interest of learners.
Scope and Purpose of Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that effective safeguarding arrangements are in place across the CAVC Group. The Group has a moral and statutory duty to promote and protect the welfare of children and adults at risk and safeguard them from harm or abuse. The Group has a zero-tolerance approach to abuse and any other harmful behaviour. This policy, and all associated Safeguarding procedures across the Group apply to all staff and learners. Whilst staff have various levels of contact with learners, everyone must be aware of the potential indicators of neglect and abuse and be clear about what to do if they have a concern. This policy makes explicit the expectation that all providers within the group will have their own safeguarding procedures that are legally compliant and robust to ensure the safety and welfare of learners.
This overarching safeguarding policy outlines the Group’s collective approach to Safeguarding. This policy does not outline the individual processes and procedures for each organisation, it is designed to complement and underpin the existing safeguarding procedures in place across the group. This policy will ensure that practices across the group are consistent, are in line with their shared values, promote good practice and ensures that all learners are safe. We will ensure that learners on all levels and types of provision are clearly signposted to any external organisation or body which overseas provision, standards, expectations or redress such as an awarding body, the QAA or the Office for Independent Adjudicators for HE (this list is not exhaustive).
The Governing Body will be responsible for ensuring that:
- The Policy is reviewed on a regular basis (as per the policy terms of review) and appropriate advice is given on content. The Main Board approves the policy.
The Senior Leadership Teams:
- Have overall responsibility for ensuring that arrangements for safeguarding are effective across the group. They are responsible for developing effective governance arrangements and ensuring that relevant policies are in place across the group.
Designated Lead Safeguarding Officers (DSLs) will:
- Ensure that each individual organisation has safeguarding procedures in place that effectively support the management of safeguarding across the group.
- Ensure that this policy and safeguarding procedures are effectively implemented across the Group.
- Ensure that systems are in place to keep detailed, accurate and secure records of concerns and referrals using case recording mechanisms. (MyConcern)
- Undertake appropriate training and ensure that all staff receive appropriate training.
- Support the Group to understand the requirements of the Prevent duty and provide advice and support on protecting those at risk of radicalisation.
- Support the Group to understand the requirements of safeguarding legislation and provide advice and support on protecting those at risk of harm
- Ensure the safeguarding policy is reviewed annually.
- Work in a collaborative approach to ensure that safeguarding across the group is consistent and robust.
All staff will:
- Read and understand the safeguarding policy and understand the reporting procedures for their respective organisation within the Group.
- Be aware of potential signs and symptoms of abuse.
- Know how to raise a concern if necessary.
- Understand that safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility.
All learners will:
- Attend induction and tutorial sessions to ensure they are aware of the policy and the issues it raises.
- Behave in a way that supports the Policy, including raising any concerns about themselves, other learners or situations with staff.
- Keep themselves and others safe.
Safeguarding procedures across the group, must take the following legislation into consideration, and be explicit throughout:
- The Counter-Terrorism Act 2015
- The Protection of Freedom Acts (2012)
- Human Rights Act (1998)
- The Children’s Act (2004)
- The Prevent Strategy (2011)
- In safe hand: Implementing Adult protection procedures in Wales
- Prevent Duty Guidance for Further Education (2015)
- Wales Safeguarding Procedure (2019)
- Keeping Learners Safe (2015) Circular No: 158/2015
- Safeguarding Children: Working together under the Children Act Circular No:12/2007
- Complaints Procedures for School Governing Bodies in Wales 2012
- Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006
- Respecting others: anti-bullying guidance 2003
- Safeguarding Children in Education: handling allegations of abuse against teachers and other staff Circular no:009/2014
- Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 (Part 7 of the Act relates to safeguarding)
The list is not exhaustive and may be added to by future passing of statute either by UK Government or Welsh Government on matters which are devolved under Government of Wales Act 2006.
Sharing of information across the group:
Where data on learners needs to be shared by one member of the group with another (for example, as part of the transition process), it will be on a strictly confidential and need to know basis. The information will be shared between the Designated Safeguarding Officers at each setting. The Safeguarding Policy will make it clear that this information will be shared on a very restricted basis within the group and only when it is essential for the wellbeing and safety of the learner
In accordance with College procedures, this Policy was written with consideration of the impact of individuals as per the Equality Act 2010.
This policy provides opportunities for persons to use either the Welsh or English language. The duties which come from the Standards mean that organisations should not treat the Welsh language less favourably than the English language, together with promoting and facilitating the use of the Welsh language ie making it easier for people to use in their day-to-day life.
A Welsh version of this document is available.
Cardiff and Vale College Safeguarding Procedures
Ƶ Safeguarding Procedures
ALS Safeguarding Procedures
This policy is published on the company website.
This policy is stored on the company intranet.
This policy is shared with learners.
This policy will be communicated and stored by each organisation via their internal communication and policy management channels.
This policy is reviewed every 2 years.
Responsible Manager: Dean of Learner Journey
Executive Lead: Deputy Principal
Accessible to Students: Yes
Date approved: 7 July 2020
Approved by: Main Board
Next Review date: July 2022
Revision No: 1
Revision Date: July 2020
Next Review Date: July 2022
This policy applies to:
- All learners on all learning programmes regardless of mode or location of study
- All partners and franchise organisations
- All visitors to the Group